i've been receiving Third Way magazine for a few years now and when I take the time I enjoy reading the different articles.
This month's edition has a feature on the future. i was particularly impressed (maybe not the best word to use) by Fr Richard Rohr's contribution entitled 'A Future for men?'.
Richard explains that we (men that is) have lost out on developing an 'inner life' and have been duped by outward success as our life goal. He explains that the church hasn't encouraged an inner life. 'It substitutes belief systems and belonging systems and moral systems for interior journeys towards God.'
As a bloke, I constantly struggle with identity based on outward success rather than developing an inner life, an interior journey towards God.
I was at Greenbelt this year and was encourged by both Fr Richard Rohr & Fr Laurence Freeman and their emphasis on the inner journey.
I was in a seminar where Laurence spoke on Christian meditation and during the session we practiced 'christian meditation'...this was a first time for me. I found it great to centre on the present and to God, using the mantra 'Maranatha'...
I've continued the practice since greenbelt and as a bloke it's easy to think is it worth it? What am I getting out of it? How successful am I at doing it?? etc etc...
But i'm persevering centering on God trying to develop the interior journey towards God.
Take a look at the article 'Boys Don't Cry 'by Richard Rohr taken from Sojourners Magazine (Third Way adapted this article in their publication)
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