dimanche 13 novembre 2011

Témoins - Day conference on Emerging Church

On Thursday I attended a day conference on the Emerging Church. The main speaker was Gabriel Monet who spoke about the different aspects of the emerging Church.

He included the observation that there are 3 main 'types' of Emerging Church -
(their raison d'être)
1. Those centred on mission (café church, cyber-church...)
2. Those centred on the development of community (monastic, social projects...)
3. Those centred on innovating the liturgy.

I reflected on my personal slant, and i'm maybe more inclined towards the 3rd 'type' - seeing a more creative liturgical 'event' though i'm also interested in the missional aspect.
I see SatMix as predominantly a mix of innovation and missional though i'd also like to see a community developing (albeit in a loose manner).

I was hoping to discover emerging groups here in France but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much evidence (hopefully i'm wrong !)

here's something from Témoin's website:
Dans une société en mutation, des formes nouvelles d’Eglise se développent pour permettre une expression de la foi en phase avec le changement culturel. Depuis plus de dix ans, Témoins, association chrétienne interconfessionnelle, étudie et fait connaître le courant de l’Eglise émergente.

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