dimanche 5 février 2012

Time - SatMix

We had a great evening last night at SatMix. The weather was awful - it had snowed and it was very cold - so my initial  thoughts were "nobody's going to come we can always put the event on it next month" - oh man of little faith! we got a good turn out and some new faces.
I took my camera but unfortunately it didn't leave its case - I was fully involved in the event so I forgot to take some pictures. (So no photo for the blog - sorry about that).

The evening certainly stimulated thought on 'time' -for me  in particularly the concept of living in the present -Meister Eckhart said "There exists only the present instant ... There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow, but only Now ... " 

We used more visuals than our Advent Event (which was a real stripped down evening) - the World Clock was projected throughout, we used poems, quotes and clips from 'Time Machine', and yes we used the Pink Floyd classic 'Time'...
tick tock tick tock...


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