dimanche 2 septembre 2012


'LIFE AT THE CIRCUS - PAINTING THE THOWN RED - was the title of the talk given by Lucy Winkett the rector at St James Piccadilly. She spoke of the 'desert' and in our fast lane life-style we need to get into the desert for our own spiritual sanity.
She spoke of 4 essential practices:
1) Silence - a waiting place we wait on the Lord.
2) Solitude -  (not loneliness) withholding interior content.
3) Fleeing - (not escaping) running for your live, fleeing towards yourself and God. Fleeing from              mediocracy.
4) Staying - (not feeling confined) focusing on the now. Real life is now with these people.

With these practices we will be able to be ourselves and not fantasies of ourselves.

Piccadilly (The Angel of Christian Charity)

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