lundi 29 octobre 2012

The Need of a Common Enemy

Give people a common enemy, and you will give them a common identity. Deprive them and you will deprive them of the crutch by which they know who they are.
James Alison

A quote quoted by Brian McLaren in his book Why did Jesus, the Buddha and Mohammed cross the road?  I love the title. Why an earth would they cross the road? The subtitle of the book is 'Christian Identity in a Multi-faith World'.

I've just started reading the book (only read the 1st chapter). McLaren encourages us to seek the common good in our communities and as Christians not to deny our identity as Jesus followers - but to be strong in our faith and to be kind (hospitable, benevolent, interesting and loving) to those around us.

The quote from James Alison is pertinent. A common enemy will give us a common identity. In the time of the Crusades - Christians united in their bloody and blinded opposition to Muslims and Jews. These common enemies reinforced their cultural and religious identity.

We do not need an enemy as a crutch by which we know ourselves. Jesus exhorted us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. Now that's tough. But who said following Jesus was easy?
Jesus was all inclusive. He embraced the zealot revolutionary, he befriended the collaborator, he showed mercy and forgiveness to the outsider.

We are called to follow Him.
To love God and our neighbour.

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