mercredi 22 juin 2011

Peacemaker - SatMix

On Saturday evening we held our last Satmix before the Summer break.
The theme was Peacemaker and yes the evening was the less stressful
we've organized...
we installed loungers and bean bags to allow folks to sit/or lay relaxed
while we meditated on Scripture.

We were also challenged as to what it means to be a peacemaker;
and how to live 'in peace'....

A great evening :)

samedi 18 juin 2011

jeudi 16 juin 2011

A photo taken in Croatia...

mercredi 15 juin 2011

The Tree Of Life

The Tree of Life by Terrence Malick starring Brad Pitt & Sean Penn...
what are my comments?
It's slow, extremely slow...if you're a looking for action this film is not for you.
It's deep, covering subjects such as suffering, forgiveness and grace, the after life, God.
It's artistic, though some of the scenes (the creation) were too long.

On the whole a film that evokes discussion and reflection.

mardi 14 juin 2011

Creativity, the least important, most important...

it's been some time since i've posted on my blog...
after my holidays in Croatia i've been busy planning next year (academic year)...
and other bits and bobs...

anyway here's an article i found on Jonny Baker's blog...

I haven't seen Mad men...

but creativity is certainly something we need to cultivate...
at least i do...

jeudi 2 juin 2011


I went to Croatia recently and by accident was only 8Kms away from the Harley Davidson European Festival. Bikers from all over Europe gathered together to share their passion for the prestigious American machines. In our hotel a few bikers were accommodated and i was told that everyone was welcome to attend the festival.
We decided to go and take a look. I was impressed by the multitude of bikes present and the distance their owners had ridden to be at the festival. The a atmosphere was amazing, friendly and open to all...Inclusive...
Reminds me of how another community should be but unfortunately is not always...
A community that follows a man that included the wild and marginalized in his entourage...
The church has become a club for respectable, nice middle-class be accepted into this group one has to put on the nice respectable look, especially on Sunday.
Ok so I might be exaggerating a bit but I think you get the picture.