jeudi 29 septembre 2011

Dazzling Diamonds

Sadhu Sundar Singh, an early-twentieth-century Indian missionary, wrote, “Diamonds do not dazzle with beauty unless they are cut. When cut, the rays of the sun fall on them and make them shine with wonderful colors. So when we are cut by the cross, we shall shine as jewels in the kingdom of God.”

mardi 27 septembre 2011

To every season...

Here's a delightful meditation from Richard Rorh:

A time to be born and a time to die

We won’t be prepared to die until we have truly lived. For some paradoxical reason, people who have experienced life intensely and fully are the ones who are most able to let go of it. They seem to die with the same passion with which they lived. Those who most fear death are those who have not yet begun to live. Those who have lived a full life have learned already how to include death; death is not a stranger.

People with unlived lives unconsciously know that true insight and vitality have somehow eluded them, leaving them without a center or even a sense of why they were ever born. Their real self—soul—has not been awakened and so they lack a deep sense of themselves, or any eternal purpose. Having not yet begun to live, they can’t imagine dying. It is still foreign territory, a destination preceded by no journey toward it. Anxiety haunts their nights and days, searching in outer places for what they can only find within.

lundi 26 septembre 2011

samedi 24 septembre 2011

vendredi 23 septembre 2011

It's time to raise the flag!

I was disgusted by Obama's stalling over the recognition of the Palestinian state. It's time that Palestine is officially recognized and that Israel stops stealing their land!
I take my hat off to Mahmoud Abbas for his courageous speech at the UN despite opposition from International super- powers!

This is what Abbas had to say today:
"The time has come for my courageous and proud people, after decades of displacement and colonial occupation and ceaseless suffering, to live like other peoples of the earth, free in a sovereign and independent homeland,"

it's time that the International community recognizes the authenticity of its statehood...
it's time to put pressure on Israel, to stop the building of Jewish settlements on Palestinian soil...

I hope that the UN's response to the Palestinian request will be favourable and that there will be a peaceful process in seeing justice fulfilled.

It's time to raise the flag!

mercredi 21 septembre 2011

Jesus camp

Jesus Camp - the 2006 American film/documentary was broadcast last night on Franco-German TV channel ARTÉ. The film shows the 'extreme' fundamentalist brand of America Charismatic Evangelicalism.
Jesus camp is about the 'Kids on fire School of Ministry' ; a Summer camp for children.

I was deeply shocked by what I saw. Kids as young as 5 being manipulated, put on a guilt trip in order to repent of their 'sins'. Not only 'manipulation' but also acute 'indoctrination' was in clear evidence. The kids were made to think that they were the only ones who were 'saved', 'going to heaven' (instead of hell), which is a narrow sectarian view of God, salvation and his relationship to us human beings.

The political leanings were also blatant - both patriotic and right wing - pro republican/George Bush.

Also another aspect of their belief was that of 'War' - War against the devil - which implies war against those who are not one of them - ie gays, muslims, liberals, non-Christians...

I was repulsed by this bigoted style of religion which is at odds with the teaching and life of the Christ.
Jesus was all embracing (he ate with 'sinners', touched the untouchables...), his message was Good News! (Forgiveness, healing, acceptance) based on love (for God, neighbor, enemy and yourself)...His way was that of humility and service...

I was also saddened when I thought back to some years ago when I was part of a similar church...the film was a reminder that we can be so misguided into thinking that we're following God when we're actually feeding our own ego!

May God guard us from such folly!

dimanche 18 septembre 2011

Idols and wonder

"Concepts create idols; only wonder understands everything."
Gregory of Nyssa
"Les concepts créent les idoles de Dieu. L'émerveillement seul pressent
quelque chose ou plutôt quelqu'un."
St. Grégoire de Nysse

Puncture and Plum tree

really bad start to the day...
needed to get to church early as i was doing the songs...
also i'd planned a time of meditation with a musical background
(thanks to Molten Meditations without words - out on Proost)...
and yes the car had a puncture...
didn't have time to change the wheel - got the 'family' car out of the garage
and arrived slightly later to church...

this afternoon pruned our plum tree, or should i say 'hacked at it',
i think it looks better?! i've had it for 3 years and it's the first time it's been
pruned (i don't think that's good for the tree?)...
while pruning i thought of God and the image jesus gave of us being pruned
by God, so that we bear more fruit, i guess that means a more godly; better
human life (for me and those around me)...
i'm reassured that God 's a much more qualified pruner than me;
at least he knows what he's doing!

vendredi 16 septembre 2011


Here's some more words of wisdom from Franciscan monk Richard Rohr:

Consciousness is the subtle and all-embracing mystery within and between Everything. It is like the air we breathe, take for granted, and do not appreciate. Consciousness is not the seeing but that which sees me seeing. You must step back from your compulsiveness, and your attachment to yourself, to be truly conscious. Consciousness cannot be “just me” because it can watch “me” from a distance...(not) self-absorbed and self-critical...but... just watch yourself objectively, calmly, and compassionately. You will be able to do this from your new viewing platform and perspective as a grounded child of God. From this most positive and dignified position you can let go of and even easily “admit your wrongs.” God forever sees and loves Christ in you; it is only we who doubt our divine identity as children of God.

Don’t judge, just look can be your motto—and now with the very eyes of God.

dimanche 11 septembre 2011

Sexuality and Spirituality

I receive daily meditations from Richard Rohr I've just saved them on my computer so that i can delete them from my gmail account.
Anyway came across this one:

Sin is to avoid this path of intimacy and communion by any guise whatsoever, even celibacy or abstinence. Evil is to deny anyone, including ourselves, the possibility of this path by making their or our sexuality inferior, in any sense enslaved or controlled, or mere entertainment. If humans cannot enjoy the delighting and delightful face of at least one other, how will they ever seek or surrender to the seductive and loving face of God? They will not even know how. Sexuality and spirituality really are two sides of the same coin: one is body and the other is Spirit.

Is sin to avoid the path of intimacy and communion? yes , it possibly is. Avoiding both communion and intimacy with the Other.
I love the idea of a loving God who wants to seduce us into intimacy with him...

A great book that explores sexuality and Spirituality is Sex God by Rob Bell.

jeudi 8 septembre 2011


Moving forward

Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

mardi 6 septembre 2011


Here's a link to an article in the International herald Tribune:
it deals with the internet, in particularly social network sites and religion.
The Facebook page Jesus Daily, run by Dr Aaron Tabor - where he posts daily words from Jesus - has the biggest fans on Facebook, 8.2 million.
The article raises the question of whether internet churches are in fact real congregations...
More people are discussing religion on Facebook...
Is this the way forward? People are finding faith communities thanks to the internet.
The journalist also points out that the printing press helped Martin Luther usher in the Reformation...
Are we in need of a new reformation? Will internet usher it in?

I personally think that Internet is a great tool for sharing ideas, and yes why not faith?
In our 'age' many of us are looking towards a 'new' reformation, a new way of being church and christian that makes sense in our times; while remaining faithful to the traditions and scripture.
He's a quote from Dr Tabor: "There are people out of work, at the end of the line and I just want the Jesus Daily to be central place where they find encouragement."

dimanche 4 septembre 2011

Fresh Paths

Here's a lovely little reflection from (Friday Theology) for those of us who go back to what (or not) we were doing before the summer break:

As the summer is drawing to a close, a new season dawns. For some it will have a hallmark of newness: first day at school, freshers’ week, new class, new rota. New places to go, new fears to conquer and new opportunities to look out for.

For others it means going ‘back’ to the well-known rhythms. Back to work, the school run, the drawing board of job applications, back to the same problems, the same people and the same roles. Back on the tramlines - what’s new about that?

“People say ‘I'm taking it one day at a time.’

You know what? So is everybody. That's how time works.”

Many a truth is said in jest. Hannibal Buress’ above joke came third in the top 10 best jokes at this year's Edinburgh Fringe festival. Besides hosting the annual celebration of comedy, arts, and literature, the city also hosted the International Television Festival. It was the first time that the prestigious MacTaggart lecture was given by someone not principally involved in television broadcasting or production. How good to invite new perspectives. There’s power in the ‘margins’. Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google, rightly dominated many of the headlines this weekend, ranging from the British education system and media regulation, to TV and internet convergence.

My attention was drawn towards his challenge to “return to a ‘Victorian’ age of bringing science and arts together”. Deploring the current boxed approach of various disciplines, Schmidt gave credit to the creative genius of Steve Jobs: "an artist's eye as well as a definition of what great engineering is". Similarly, in his high profile resignation as CEO of Apple, Jobs ascribed the success of the Mac to a synergy of multiple talents, "because the people working on it were musicians, artists, poets and historians who also happened to be excellent computer scientists".

We do well to listen to such giants of innovation. Whether we enter a new season not so much depends on the calendar, but mainly on whether we start new conversations, ask new questions, forge new links, listen to new sounds, create new patterns and ask new people to crash our parties.

Leave the tramlines - it’s biblical. Blessed are those whose hearts are set on pilgrimage (Psalm 84:5). In his beautiful poem The Road Not Travelled, Robert Frost reflects

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –

I took the one less travelled by,

and that has made all the difference

Even when the route ahead is seemingly familiar, the time can still be opportune. When Joshua went round the walls of the city for the seventh day for the seventh time, he was listening out for a new sound. And that attentiveness made the ‘same old’ trajectory new. For, the circling was set in the context of a promise. The city would be devoted to God.

May He who makes everything new renew your school run, academic year, your work and worklessness, your home and your mind. May the eyes of our heart be enlightened so that we may know the hope to which He has called us and may choose the road in that light.

He will make all the difference.

Marijke Hoek, coordinator Forum for Change

vendredi 2 septembre 2011


Brian McLaren was one of the speakers I appreciated at greenbelt this year.
In fact greenbelt was an amazing experience for me this year.
Back to one of Brian's talks:
Naked Spirituality, 4 stages.
Stage 1. Simplicity.
dualistic, you're either for us or against us.
Authority figures are godlike, life is war!
Committed but judgmental.
Stage 2. Complexity.
More than one way of doing things.
Pragmatic, success and winning is important.
God helps us to succeed.
Authority figures show us the way to success.
Enthusiastic but superficial and naive.
Stage 3. Perplexity.
Everybody has an opinion.
Relativism, pluralist, critical.
Motive: honest and authentic.
Suspicion of authority figures.
God is a mythic authority.
Depth, honesty, sensitivity to others but cynical, withdrawal, elitist, depressed and uncommitted.
Stage 4. Harmony.
Seek first God's kingdom and righteousness.
Love God, love your neighbor.
Focus: wisdom, integration.
Beliefs: mysteries.
Authorities: people like me, just 'ordinary' people.
Life is what you make it with God's help.
Life with expanding vision & understanding of God.
Give me depth/ manifeste awe & wonder.
Show me deep connections
Goal: love
Fulness of time for life - no hurry!

I think these stages are quite an accurate way of explaining 'spiritual journey' and where we should be heading...
stage 4
I guess it takes a whole life and a whole lot of grace...