i'm reading 'the becoming of G-d' by Ian Mobsby. ian was at the resource weekend i went to in london at the beginning of january.
it's a good read so far, he speaks of the importance of the Trinity - and how this is particularly pertinent for the 21 century.
he's both an emerging church & deep church guy...
here's an interesting quote 'a gift of the emerging church is that we see God equally in the Eucharist and in drinking beer together in the local pub'...
this is profound when it comes to mission; God is very much present in the world, he's active in the world...and he is made present by the activity and presence of Christians in our local communities...
ian calls this the sacramental model of church(a concept from A Dulles, 'models of the church')
ian also draws from the eastern orthodox church and there understanding of Trinity as perichoresis - a more fluid understanding of the nature of God - dynamism and activity; sometimes seen as a dance. Creator, Redeemer nad Sustainer embracing one another, no room for a hierachical or authoritarian relationships - but rather unity in diversity, perfect love, justice and interdependency. God is centred in mystery. He is both transcendent (outside of here and now) yet mysteriously immanent (actually here and now)...
God only partially reveals his nature, through his actions...this understanding does not sell out to certainty...God is complex, slightly out of reach who we will never fully know.
He says that for the Eastern church the very nature of God is centered on creativity, love and intimacy!
now i can relate to that...
Thanks Mark for a great review. It really brings me pleasure that the book has been helpful. Interesting what the response will be.