still reading ian mobsby's book...
interesting look at technology and spirituality and the link between the two...
apparently the west on the whole is turning towards sprituality and mysticism and away from institutionalised religion.
the world of information technology has encouraged sprititual seeking...we can now live in another world, a virtual world, a transcendant world...'todays techgnotics find themselves, consciously or not, surrounded by a complex set of ideas, and images: transcendence through technology' (Davies)
caputo says 'cell phones whose signals easily penetrate thick walls, satellites that link across the globe...we have found a way to mime angels'.
many people are spiritual seekers...the technology encourages their search for the transcendent and therefore new forms of mysticism could be effective. the catholic church constructed a form of liturgy that utilised all the senses, in order to engage in a world that was centred on mysticism...
for this reason the emerging church and alternative worship has often framed ancient liturgies for use with a postmodern audience...
i tend to agree with ian's analysis of the present situation. it would be certainly valuable to explore ways of engaging with our postmodern, mystical culture -by providing spaces where spiritual seekers and Chrsitian Pligrims could meet to 'experience' God; through image, ligurgy, art...
It is this context which I think is now called post-secularisation that is our challenge. This is the reason why have written a third book on New Monasticism as a particular approach to forming ecclesial communities out of contextual mission of post-secular spiritual seekers.
RépondreSupprimerI hope this will be coming out with the Paraclete publisher in the summer.