samedi 6 novembre 2010

Abundant Life

reading richard rohr's book "the naked now"...
he insists that God is a God of change and he wants us to be constantly open to change and in fact to expect change...
this is what he says about Jesus' words:" i have come that you might have life, a very abundant life at that" (John 10:10):
how did we get correct rational ideas confused with an abundant life? this happens perhaps to folks who are unwilling to let go of their attachments of their images of themselves, the world, and God. They will not let go of their attachments for a living relationship. "The old wine is good enough", they say (Luke 5;39), and so they miss out on the great banquet that all the mystics, the prophets, and jesus describe. (see Isaiah 25:6-7, 55:1-2, John 2:1-12, and most of Luke 14)...

i think it's so easy to accept certitude and predictability in our lives; it's so much difficult to embrace incertitude, questioning and a quest to journey (which implies movement and change).

Surely God does not exist so that we can think correctly of Him - or Her. Amazingly and wonderfully, like all good parents, God desires instead the flourishing of what God created and what God loves - us ourselves. Ironically, we flourish more by learning from our mistakes and changing than by a straight course that teaches us nothing.
Richard Rohr

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