I came across an excellent definition of failure the other day; failure is simply not having the courage to try. It's so true that often we lack the courage needed to step out and attempt new ventures because we are afraid; frightened by a multitude of ghosts that come swirling into our consciousness or subconsciousness whispering thoughts suggesting that we are not good enough, or what will others think?, you'll make a fool of yourself etc...
We need to stop listening to the discouragements around us and simply take a small step of courage...
failure can then become our teacher, who is there to test us, to allow us to grow in the path of faith that God has called us to take.
Lets be courageous and step out and attempt the new ventures that are before us...
Hi Mark,
RépondreSupprimerYou may have already received this message already but for some reason my first attempt is not showing on your blog. I recently tried an email address, but not sure if it is up to date. Anyway my address is fee@mypostoffice.co.uk if you've got a chance to email me.
cheers for now
David Fee