Over the xmas holiday period we've been lighting our log fire. It doesn't give off much heat but it provides a warm cosy atmosphere. The problem is that the logs are too large and it tends to go out quite easily (if I don't tend to it).
I wrote on my facebook wall. 'The Fire's Gone Out' - this was of course in the literal sense, but it could also be interpreted as metaphoric (which was not intended).
It's the first day of the new year and there have been times when the fire has gone out...
St Paul wrote to young Tim and told him to fan into flames the gift/passion that he had originally received.
Possibly a fire may go out (that fire has served its purpose) and it's time to light a new fire...
i suppose i'm at a stage where there are certain fires that have gone out and i'm searching for the small sparks...that will be fanned into a flame.
Here's a (wise) quote
The secret of happiness is simple: find out what you truly love to do and then direct all your energy towards doing it. Once you do this, abundance flows into your life and all your desires are filled with ease and grace.
(Robin Sharma - the monk who sold his ferrari)
May God help us this year to find the spark of what we truly love (those God given passions & desires) - and fan them into flame...
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