For those who are interested in the Alternative Worship scene and in particularly those who want to get started this book is for you.
In part 1 Jonny looks at the developing phenomenon of curating in the art world and how for can appropriate this craft in helping to set up worship events.
Lik the art curator the worship curator imagines a world and then creates a universe in which folk can enter and experience her world.
The art curator imagines and oversees the exhibition. She works with an artist or groups of artists, she decides which pieces to display and arranges them in the spaces.
The public visit the exhibition and (hopefully) engage with the pieces. There are often moments of epiphany, delight, provocation, questions are evoked and the artist's work is appreciated.
Jonny points out the parallels in worship curating. First we may need to question our approach to worship leading. The curator is not upfront as the 'charismatic/mega church model with a guitar and microphone and the traditional liturgical/priest church model; the curator is behind the scenes.
The curator is no lone ranger but works in team. She encourages and stimulates creativity, bringing out the artistic talents of the team.
The 'Worship event' is primarily participational (the creative team & the public/worshippers) and also multiply layered (using different media such as video, stations, liturgy...).
In the 2nd part of the book there are several fascinating interviews with varied practitioners from the alternative worship movement.
Here's some quotes from the book:
"(The)curator...allows others to bring and interpret the content without control"
"Curators...present a view of the world and a message to others outside that world".
"The most important thing about curating is to do with enthusiasm and love with a little obsession"
"In art and worship people want moments of epiphany where connection is made, where the soul is moved, the presence of God is sensed, as opposed to just thinking that that was a nice set of ideas we explored at some rational level".
If you are simply interested in learning more about Alternative Worship or you want to move from theory to practice this book will surely be an inspiration and a valuable resource.
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