Rob Bell has written a book called Love Wins and will be released on 29 May.
its promotional video was on my last post...interesting.
i saw that there has been various reactions to it. One particular reaction was that it was just a provocation in order to sell the book (possibly); Though i think the subject matter is extremely important (A book about heaven, Hell, and the Fate of every Person who Ever lived)...
the video promo points out that there was a quote from Gandhi at an art exhibition and someone had written 'Reality check, he's in hell'...
as Rob clearly says how can we be sure? what right have we to 'play' God?
I'm (still) reading Gandhi's autobiography - a great man who constantly sought after Truth...
he was influenced greatly by Jesus, his actions were also christlike; though he never embraced the religion of Christianity. The strange thing is that many who call themselves christians don't necessary act like the Christ...a dilemma ? the Man said you'll know them by their love, (and their actions - fruit)...
The question of who goes to heaven or more to the point who doesn't clearly reveals something of God, His nature, His very person...
i think that we may be surprised, surprised by God's grace. (Grace is defined as something you receive that you don't deserve)
if God is really God, not just the god of christianity - but the God of the cosmos - then i don't think we can just confine Him to our 'system' of beliefs or 'worldview'...
Jesus is definitely Good News - for all of humanity and nature...
God is definitely Love...
I'm looking forward to reading Love Wins.
By the way Rob's at Greenbelt Festival this year!
here's a quote from Kester Brewin's blog:
RépondreSupprimerTo be honest, if heaven is going to include Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson and a few selected, predestined others, and hell is going to include Gandhi and Bob Marley and the rest of humanity pre-consigned to damnation, then I know where I’d rather be.
I like it!