mercredi 13 mars 2013


Gerrard Kelly has written a delightful little book called Church Actually - rediscovering the brilliance of God's plan. In it he describes in radiant multi-colour the beauty and purpose of the church.

here are a few quotes from the book:

"I was not created to be a neutral presence in the world...I was made for significance; for fruitfulness.
My desire is to leave the world in a more beautiful condition than that which I found it.

We are sent into the world not to rescue people from it, but to bring to it all the change that grace can bring.

The deeper we dive into Him, the further we find ourselves thrust into His broken world.

The Spirit whose presence we seek in prayer is present already in the world. We do not lead him we follow. We do not bring him to the poor, we find him with them.

The inbuilt desire for human beings to seek wealth and power, and to secure themselves behind walls and fences of economic strength, will mean that the Kingdom tendency to move towards the poor will be resisted.

The church is an environment in which tribes in tension find power to coexist.

Abraham is not a model of the kind of faith that waits to be taken to a better place. He is a model of the kind of faith that knows that this place will one day be better.

The energy of our participation in the building of God's Kingdom will be dictated by the strength of our dreams."

May we all rediscover the brilliance of God's plan.

Thanks Gerrard for reminding us.

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