lundi 11 mars 2013

Moving On

There are times in our life when we need to move on. This could be a geographical location, a new job or a new relationship. In these moments of change we have to let go of that which we have known and adventure out into unfamiliar places.

My wife and I have moved on.
We've left an organization, WEC International, that we'd been with for 25 years. (That's a long time!)

My identity, and my security were once found in this organization, what I did and the recognition I received from others.

A singer once sang 'Life is full of moving on...' it's easier to sing about than it is to do it.

My God is a large God, not the god of a particular tribe or religion, but the creator God who holds the universe in his hands. A God who is LOVE and lavishes us with his GRACE.

My desire is to continue to journey with Him. The road may get difficult, with many twists and turns and unexpected encounters with angels and demons, friends and foes. I may find myself in strange places and roads less travelled.
I think in all our journeying it's important not to get too complacent, too comfortable with our experiences and achievements. The very essence of journeying is movement. It may be inward journeying which then proceeds to outward journeying. (As is our own personal case).

When we move on there is a sense of peace and freedom; but these feelings are often mixed with fear and anguish as we gaze towards an uncertain future.

None of us know what the future holds, we can only trust, and move on...

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