jeudi 30 décembre 2010
Albert Camus
Outing at Canterbury
lundi 27 décembre 2010
Christmas day walk
samedi 25 décembre 2010

here's a christmas meditation from Richard rohrCOME EMMANUEL, GOD WITH US!Saturday, December 25, 2010 |
On the Christmas Day let me begin with a quote from the 20th Century writer G.K Chesterton: "When a person has found something which he prefers to life itself, he (sic) for the first time has begun to live". Jesus in his proclamation of the Kingdom told us what we could prefer to life itself. The Bible ends by telling us that we are a people called to say 'Come Lord Jesus (Revelation 22:20), who could welcome something more than business as usual and live in God's Big Picture. We all have to ask for the grace to prefer something than our small life, because we have been offered, the Shared Life, the One Life,the Eternal Life, God's life that became visible to us in this world as Jesus. What we are all searching for is Someone to surrender to, Something we can prefer to life itself. Well here is the wonderful surprise: God is the only one we can surrender to without losing ourselves. The irony is that we actually and finally find ourselves, but now in a whole new and much larger filed of meaning. |
vendredi 24 décembre 2010
mardi 21 décembre 2010
samedi 18 décembre 2010
vendredi 17 décembre 2010

There's an interesting expo taking place at Galerie Nomade (4 Parvis Saint Maurice) Lille.
dimanche 12 décembre 2010
Carols & Cakes
had a great evening last night with our 'Carols & cakes' event.
mercredi 8 décembre 2010
The Kingdom
If we try to make the church into the kingdom of God, we create a false idol that will disappoint us. If we try to make the world itself into the kingdom, we will always be resentful when it does not come through. If we make a later heaven into the kingdom, we miss most of its transformative message for now. We are not waiting for the coming of an ideal church or any perfect world here and now, or even for the next world. The kingdom is more than all of these. It is always here and not here. It is always now and not yet. No institution can encompass it. That is rather clear in the texts where Jesus describes the kingdom.
All false religion proceeds in a certain sense from one illusion. When people say piously, “Thy kingdom come” out of one side of their mouth, they need also to say, “My kingdom go!” out of the other side. The kingdom of God supersedes and far surpasses all kingdoms of self and society or personal reward.
mercredi 1 décembre 2010
the leopard will lie down with the goat,
the calf and the lion will feed together;
and a little child will lead them.
7 The cow will feed with the bear,
their young will lie down together,
and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
8 The infant will play near the cobra’s den,
the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest.
9 They will neither harm nor destroy
on all my holy mountain,
for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD
as the waters cover the sea.
dimanche 28 novembre 2010
Looking Forward
from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him—
the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and of might,
the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD—
3 and he will delight in the fear of the LORD.
He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes,
or decide by what he hears with his ears;
4 but with righteousness he will judge the needy,
with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth.
He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth;
with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked.
5 Righteousness will be his belt
and faithfulness the sash around his waist.
Come Lord Jesus

One of the campaigns at greenbelt festival this year was 'Just Peace' - tackling questions about Israel-Palestine.
vendredi 26 novembre 2010

I found this simple and beautiful prayer written by Christine Sine on Johnny Baker's blog.
Breathe out empty yourself of busyness, of selfishness of greed
Breathe in fill yourself with peace, with joy, with hope
Breathe out empty yourself of idolatry, of self worship, of false gods
Breathe in fill yourself with God, with Christ, with the Holy Spirit
mercredi 24 novembre 2010

Found this on the Moot blog:
Meditation in the Christian tradition is an ancient practice aimed at getting beyond our self-preoccupation through business, thinking and feeling to then be free to encounter God.
In the Moot Community, we are seeking to resource people to go deeper with daily prayer alongside regular meditation and contemplation. Meditation and Contemplation are both creative approaches to prayer with the aim of encountering God. Meditation does this by a process of stillness and getting beyond your thoughts and feelings. Contemplation does this by utilising the imagination as the vehicle for encounter of God.
n this first recording, John Main explains the basic approach to Christian meditation. If you have not done it before, we suggest 20 minutes as a starting place, as it takes a little while to get the hang of it. Remember meditation is not like going to the gym, there is not an instant hit of enhanced spirituality, but you will experience an emerging sense spiritual awareness and welbeing in your daily life.
If you have not meditated before then don’t forget that Moot has aweekly meditation group on wednesdays at 6.30pm in the City. We suggest 20 minutes as a starting place, as it takes a long time to get the hang of it. Remember meditation is not like going to the gym, there is not an instant hit of enhanced spirituality, but you will in time see an increased spiritual awareness in your daily life.
Please find below a short mp3 of John Main himself explaining this approach to meditation. If you have any queries or thoughts please do add comments. If you have been coming along to the meditation group and also have thoughts and queries, please do add these to.
here's a link so you can listen to the mp3 of John Main: 23 novembre 2010
Racial Justice
Scapegoating soon morphs into anti-sinners, anti-heretics, anti-women, anti-Muslims, anti-inferiors (however each culture defines that), anti-Protestants or Catholics (depending on which kind of good Christian you are), anti-gays, anti-indigenous people, anti- people of any color, particularly black people, whom Christians felt free to torture and enslave, and anti- all non-Christians in general.
This big bad lie never stops, even among people who dare to say they are following Jesus who taught them “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters you do to me” (Matthew 25:40) and “Treat others as you would want to be treated yourself” (Matthew 7:12). We forgot that St. John said, “Anyone who says he loves God, but hates his neighbor, is a liar” (1 John 4:20).
samedi 13 novembre 2010
jeudi 11 novembre 2010
went for a walk with jackie (my wife) this morning...the rain and the bitter cold wind brought our walk to an end.
Why are they selling poppies, Mummy?
Selling poppies in town today.
The poppies, child, are flowers of love.
For the men who marched away.
But why have they chosen a poppy, Mummy?
Why not a beautiful rose?
Because my child, men fought and died
In the fields where the poppies grow.
But why are the poppies so red, Mummy?
Why are the poppies so red?
Red is the colour of blood, my child.
The blood that our soldiers shed.
The heart of the poppy is black, Mummy.
Why does it have to be black?
Black, my child, is the symbol of grief.
For the men who never came back.
But why, Mummy are you crying so?
Your tears are giving you pain.
My tears are my fears for you my child,
For the world is forgetting again.
Author unknown.
samedi 6 novembre 2010
Abundant Life
reading richard rohr's book "the naked now"...
vendredi 5 novembre 2010
jeudi 4 novembre 2010
Celebrity as a kind of religion

just read an essay than is based on the introduction of pete ward's book 'gods behaving badly;media,religion and celebrity culture...
Moreover, it is very likely that the influence of celebrity culture does not remain with those outside the church. We all share in the flow of popular culture, and it is therefore likely that theologians, preachers, and those of us who inhabit the pews are all to some extent shaped by the way meanings shift as they circulate and flow within media discourses. If we acknowledge this, it does not mean that Christian theology cannot maintain a distinctive voice or contribution. Rather, it is a recognition that our own expression, of faith, is part of this wider flow of discourse and therefore shares in the contested space which exists within discourses, be they specifically theological or be they popular. As the Christian church, we are participants individually and communally in this flow of meaning and identification. Celebrity culture is therefore of significance for our own theological work.
mardi 2 novembre 2010
jeudi 21 octobre 2010
Clotilde Lacroix has created an association called 'L'inventaire' - you pay a yearly subscription of 8 to 15 € and you can then 'rent' works of art - 2 pieces a month for 8 €.
samedi 16 octobre 2010
Journey towards maturity

my last post was a poem by Kester Brewin taken from his latest book 'Other' (loving self, god & neighbour in a world of fractures)...
dimanche 10 octobre 2010

Here's a poem from 'Other' by Kester Brewin:
jeudi 7 octobre 2010
Des hommes et des dieux

went to see des hommes et des dieux;
vendredi 1 octobre 2010
A New Kind Of Christianity

Every time I read one of Brian McLaren's books my understanding of my own faith is challenged and i need to reassess what i believe and why.
lundi 13 septembre 2010
Bono's Prophet Rock Concert

I've just come across an article in the washington post written last year about a concert of U2
mardi 7 septembre 2010
A Future For Men ? An interior journey towards God
i've been receiving Third Way magazine for a few years now and when I take the time I enjoy reading the different articles.
This month's edition has a feature on the future. i was particularly impressed (maybe not the best word to use) by Fr Richard Rohr's contribution entitled 'A Future for men?'.
Richard explains that we (men that is) have lost out on developing an 'inner life' and have been duped by outward success as our life goal. He explains that the church hasn't encouraged an inner life. 'It substitutes belief systems and belonging systems and moral systems for interior journeys towards God.'
As a bloke, I constantly struggle with identity based on outward success rather than developing an inner life, an interior journey towards God.
I was at Greenbelt this year and was encourged by both Fr Richard Rohr & Fr Laurence Freeman and their emphasis on the inner journey.
I was in a seminar where Laurence spoke on Christian meditation and during the session we practiced 'christian meditation'...this was a first time for me. I found it great to centre on the present and to God, using the mantra 'Maranatha'...
I've continued the practice since greenbelt and as a bloke it's easy to think is it worth it? What am I getting out of it? How successful am I at doing it?? etc etc...
But i'm persevering centering on God trying to develop the interior journey towards God.
Take a look at the article 'Boys Don't Cry 'by Richard Rohr taken from Sojourners Magazine (Third Way adapted this article in their publication)
vendredi 3 septembre 2010
for those that are old enough to remember, the title of this post comes from an old 70s ad for Cadbury's hazelnut chocolate...
we've got a hazelnut tree in our garden and it's given us a huge amount of nuts this year...
what can i do with them???
Pour ceux qui sont assez âgés de se rappeler, le titre de cette poste vient d'un vieux pub des années 70 pour une marque de chocolat (Cadbury's).
on a un noisetier dans notre jardin et il a bien donné cette année...
que faire avec toutes ces noisettes??
mercredi 1 septembre 2010
got back yesterday from greenbelt. the first time i'd attended the festival for about 30 years. yes i remember U2 giving a brilliant surprise performance on mainstage (back in 1980)...
enough of the nostalgia...
i had a great time, apart from the severe cold... yes i'm not a weathered camper (i detest tenting in england!)...
the lineup was varied.
i don't know if it's age, but i was more inclined to go to a talk than listen to the music!
again it was cold hanging around mainstage so i found myself in other venues.
seriously, my faith journey has taken some turns and some considerable changes in the way i perceive god & the christian faith. greenbelt was a breath of fresh air for me, i got stimulated and challenged in so many areas...
i was taken back to thinking through social issues in particularly the plight of the palestinians check out:
i was inspired by talks from franciscan monk Richard Rohr and challenged to continue to review my beliefs by dave tomlinson.
the relevance of community and in particular the néo- monastic movement was once again highlighted...
on the whole a fantastic inspiring festival that's a real life-line to a humble pilgrim as myself...
dimanche 1 août 2010

just read Brian Draper's little book 'LABYRINTH, illuminating the inner path'.
it took me about 15 minutes to read; a journey to the centre and then out again.
great little book which vividly introduces the reader to god centered spirituality;
je viens de lire LABYRINTH par Brian Draper.
un petit livret qui m'a pris 15 minutes à lire;
un pèlerinage au centre et puis à l'extérieur.
ce livret présente au lecteur une spiritualité centrée sur dieu.
lundi 26 juillet 2010
Jesus, the teacher within

i'm enjoying Laurence Freeman's book "Jesus, the teacher within". Freeman is a monk who was a disciple of John Main (who started christian meditiation centres around the world).
I was given the book 8 years ago by a good friend for my 40th b'day. I didn't really understand the book then...
in reading it again i realise that my faith journey has been long and interesting, taking me to new landscapes as i now appreciate the read.
i've just read the chapter on the Gospels and in particular the lectio divina method...
i've been exposed to this for about 3 years now and my walk with Jesus has been more beneficial since.
Laurence is at Greenbelt; i hope to get the chance to hear him.
Je lis "Jésus, le maître intérieur par Laurence Freeman. Freeman est moine bénédictin anglais. Il était disciple de John Main (qui a commencé des centres de méditation chrétiennes).
Une bonne amie à moi m'a offert le livre il y a 8 ans pour mes 40 ans. Je ne l'avais pas bien compris..en le relisant je me rends compte que depuis mon cheminement spirituel m'a emmené ailleurs aux paysages inté maintenant je comprends beaucoup mieux l'approche de Laurence.
Je viens de lire le chapitre "Que sont les évangiles" (et en particulier il parle de la lectio divina) une méthode de lecture que j'utilise depuis 3 ans. Ma vie avec Jésus a été approfondie grâce à cette approche!
mardi 6 juillet 2010
Here's a reflection on Kezia (or Ketsia) from the bok of Job.
My youngest daught's called Ketsia.
We chose the name after reading the book of Job.
We have 5 children (4 girls and a boy)...
lundi 28 juin 2010
mardi 18 mai 2010
Gran Torino

i saw it at the cinema when it first came out and watched it Sunday afternoon on DVD.
a thought provoking film...filled with emotion, love, redemption and grace...
a truly great film!
je l'avais vu quand il est sorti au cinéma et je l'ai regardé de nouveau dimanche après-midi en dvd.
un film qui te fait réfléchir...rempli d'émotion, d'amour, de rédemption et de grâce...
un véritable chef d'oeuvre!
dimanche 2 mai 2010
Consumer Christ
mercredi 28 avril 2010
samedi 24 avril 2010
H.Craig Hanna

had the opportunity to go to Lille Art fair of contempory art.
there were some interesting pieces by a variety of artists.
i was impressed in particularly by H. Craig Hanna, an artist from the states...i prefered his work...his portrays and nudes are sentitively beautiful...
here's one of his paintings (melody)
j'avais l' occasion d'aller à la foire d'Art moderne à Lille.
il y avait des oeuvres intéressantes par des divers artistes.
j'ai été impressionné par H. Craig Hanna, un artiste américain...
j'ai préféré ses portraits et ses nues sont beaux...
voici un tableau de lui (melody)
lundi 19 avril 2010

i've just finished reading re:mission by andrew perriman.
andrew looks at the historical context that the early church found itself, the eschotology - the fact that jesus predicted the destruction of the temple, the masscre of isral etc..the new testament texts speak of this in an apocalytic fashion...
the church (today) finds itself in the 'post-eschatological' era...
our mission:
to be an alternative humanity
to be an authentic humanity ( a new creation)
to the living presence of god through the holy spirit with concrete outworking of compassion & juestice, respect and thankfulness for the natural environment, a passion for creativity in the image of the creative god
to be a sign of the goodness & righteousness of the creator
to exist for the sake of others
tho be a blessing, generating a shere of influene & credibility
to be a creative community
to be a people committed to extracting the best from the world that god has made..
that's cool!
je viens de lire re:mission par andrew perriman.
il explique bien le contexte historique de l'église primitive- le fait que jésus avait prédit la destruction du temple, la massacre d'israêl..les textes de la nouvelle alliance en parle avec un langage apocalyptique...
notre mission:
être une humanité alternative
être une humanité authentique
être la présence de dieu par le saint esprit - à travers les actes concrets de compassion et de justice, un respect et une reconnaissance pour l'environnement, une passion pour la créativité à l'image de dieu créatif
être un signe de bonté et de justice
exister pour les autres
être une bénédiction
générer une sphère d'influence et d'être crédible
être une communauté créative
être un peuple qui extrait le meilleur d'un monde que dieu a créé...
c'est cool!!!
dimanche 18 avril 2010
Wax at the Zenith

went to an amazing concert Friday night at the Zenith in Lille - 'Les Paradis Artificiels' -
The line up was Alice Russel, Wax Taylor & Archive. Personally, i much appreciated Wax Taylor - an authentic DJ wizz - his guests were Charlotte Savery (a young french lass with a velvet voice, i thought she was English!),Dionne Charles, Mattic (american rapper) and ASM (brit rappers)...
the Wax show was diverse wacky and thoroughly great entertainment...extremely creative both musically & visually!
vendredi 9 avril 2010
re-enchanting christianity

re-enchanting christianity by dave tomlinson is an interesting read.
Dave refers to himself as a progressive orthodox...centering on dialogue between the traditions of the past and the insights and struggles of now.
dave is inspired by french theologian/philosopher paul ricoeur - and develops a cycle of enchantment (with faith) to dis-enchantment (doubts) which leads to a deeper faith (a second naivity) and a re-enchantment...
i enjoyed the chapters on the bible and interpretation, the atonement, the Spirit and also his chapter on hell which i need to reflect more on...
jeudi 8 avril 2010
Ripping off Poor Pilgrims...

I'm having a great week in London with my wife and 3 of our children.
yesterday we decided to go and visit St Paul's cathedral and the Tate modern.
We could see the wonderful dome of St Paul's from quite a distance.
When we arrived we could see the Tate Modern from St Paul's; such a contrast
the old and the modern - reminded me of our task as believers to some how
live out our christian faith in the (post)modern world...where the ancient and the modern
i didn't intend to major on this point...
i wanted to express my disgust and utter shock at the church institution - in particularly St Paul's cathedral.
i was looking forward to walk round this ancient centre of faith when i discovered that there was an entrance fee - £12.50 for adults, what!!!
i expressed my disbelief with certain adjectives that i won't mention here!
We then walked across Millennium Bridge to the Tate Modern - huge words were written on the building - ENTRANCE FREE.(or words to that effect...)
What does this imply? that the church is a money grabbing institution that wants to rip off poor pilgrims as myself?
What would St Paul think? and God?
samedi 3 avril 2010
mercredi 17 mars 2010
The Sound Of Resurrection
Jonah's belly of the fish, the tomb of lazarus, reminds us of our own potential for living. As adults we often struggle to accept the abundant, extravagant, astonishing life that Jesus offers. As we prepare to face our own fear of the actual and unavoidable journey through our own death and resurrection, we find hints of that fear in our lives now. Through the walls of the tombs we build for ourselves bricked up with low expectations, safe patterns of behaviour that keep us irresponsible, will we hear the roar of God, the shout of Christ's compassion, Christ's exultation mixed with deep anger calling us to live in the light and in the presence of God?
Wow! Am I living this abundant life promised by Jesus? I live in a 'safe' world (here in the west). These 'safe patterns of behaviour' and 'low expectations' keep me from the astonishing life offered by Jesus.
If I listen carefully i can hear the sound of Christ's voice calling me into an astonishing life...
prompting me out of the tomb of my fears and leading me into an abundant life...
It's the sound of resurrection!
mardi 9 mars 2010
Reflections (1)
What is normal?
I came across this in the introduction: "There is no normative experience against which everything should be measured, and when we recognize this, our relationship with God and our understanding of human beings will be only expanded and enriched."
So often we consider our personal experiences of God to be the norm for everyone; and if others don't fit into our experience or understanding we quickly judge their experience as dodgy!
God (and human beings for that matter) are so varied and so unique we need to give others a large space to experience God and life!
What is normal anyway??
samedi 6 mars 2010
The Shack

I'm re-reading The Shack (by William P Young). Why? Because I'm going to speak on the Icon of the Trinity by André Roublov next Sunday. (See my post on Icons 11 Feb 2010) - The Shack is a wonderful novel that depicts God, the Trinity as an inter-relational being, the three persons of the TRINITY in a relationship of love - perfect love. There is no place for 'power' in this relationship, no hierachical pyramid...the Godhead is seen in a dynamic union, active and real, in mutual submission.
This perception of God is similar to that of the Icon - A relational circle...
The Shack is a good read and will challenge your preconceived ideas about the person of God, that's guaranteed!
jeudi 4 mars 2010
Gorillaz - Plastic Beach

I've been listening to the new Gorillez album - Beach Plastic - here's the link
I love it. it's so versatile, cool funky beats - so Gorillaz- featuring Lou Reed (yes really), RnB/soul veteran Bobby Womack, Mark E Smith (frontman of the fall), Snoop Dog, Mick Jones, Paul Simonon... what a cast! - And there's more!
Official release 8 March!
mardi 2 mars 2010
Ne le dis à Personne (Tell No One)

after the cinésoupe saturday night went round some friends who recommended a film - the french film 'Ne le dit à personne' (Tell No One) - they lent us the DVD aand we watched it on Sunday evening. It was directed by Guillaume Canet.
I really enjoyed it - the film's an adaptation of the novel of the same title by Harlan Coben - a gripping who-done-it mystery,- well filmed- great entertainment...
sometimes i just need to switch off and enjoy a good movie!
samedi 27 février 2010
Last night I went to 'Cinésoupe' - in Templemars. We were shown 9 short films ranging from amusing animation to a more 'heavy' french/taiwanise film.
I enjoyed 'La clé du problème'- starring 'Guillaume Cotillard' (Ensemble c'est tout)...the director was present - to answer questions from the public. He was obviously passioned by the cinema. He said that he doesn't make any money out of doing short films - he earns his living in producing ads!
after the projections we ate soup!
An interesting evening!