last night at our house we looked at a story where jesus and his disciples went out their way to get some rest, some time out together. Unfortunately they were seen and followed by a crowd, a very large crowd (possibly 10,000 people)!
the disciples observe that the folk are hungry - they tell this to jesus.
jesus replies 'you give them something to eat '
what feed 10,000 people, are you crazy, i'm not a millionaire! (would have certainly been my response)
jesus then asks them 'how much bread do you have?'
it turns out that they had 5 loafs of bread & a couple of fishes - not enough to feed a crowd...
but jesus took it and miltiplied it and there was plenty!!!
an incredible story...
there's a problem - the people are hungry - jesus says get on with solving the problem yourself!!
i often moan and complain when a problem arises but in this story i'm encouraged to act!
don't just stand there do something!
i often feel inadequate faced with certain challenges, but what's amazing is that if we give the little we have somehow that will be transformed...
so we are encouraged to act (agir)...to get on with it.
another challenge that comes from the story is to live in the present...jesus & his mates wanted time out but it didn't work out. why? because jesus saw the crowd and had compassion - he lived in the present - seeing the present need and acting accordingly.
god help me to live in the present and to act with confidence!
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