i was in conversation with a fellow christian the other day. he was telling me how we need to proclaim the truth, to correct where there's non truth, to be 'spiritual policemen' so as to protect the church from wrong thoughts, doctrines and practices.
this is my perception of our conversation. when we receive informaion it passes always through a 'filter', so as i said this is my perception.
anyway just came across this:
God's revelation is always surrounded by mystery. the danger of us thinking that we know the truth is idolatry. paul writes in colossians ' see to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition the basic principles of this world rather than christ'(col 2/8)paul warns us to beware of human abstractions that draw us into a conceptual prison...even the revealed side of God is mysterious (p rollins: how (not) to speak of god).
i find that there is a certain arrogance to say that i have the truth as if i've got a complete understanding of god!
God is God, he's is not a system, a set of rules...
God reveals himself, if he chooses to...
you can't put her in a closed box...
this is the mystery...
and he may just turn up in strange places!
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