jeudi 7 janvier 2010

N'aie pas peur , crois seulement

n'aie pas peur, crois seulement (roughly translated 'don't be afraid, only believe')...

encouraging words from the master...

"don't be afraid..."
yes but there's loads of things that can cause us fear -
the unknown, failure, rejection, unemployment...

but the master says:
"only believe."

the context is a guy whose 12 year old daughter is dying...
he goes after jesus to ask for his help...
between time she dies...
that's when these word 'n'aie pas peur, crois seulement' are spoken...

don't be afraid, believe, have faith, trust me...

i don't know if the guy did...
but his daughter is brought back to life by the master...
(full version mark 5:21 - 43 the bible)

Don't be afraid, only believe (trust, have faith)

words of hope for 2010...

a year full of opporunities!

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