here's a link to Kester Brewin's blog http://www.kesterbrewin.com/2011/02/02/emerging-faith-must-be-combined-with-an-emerging-politics/
in church this morning we prayed for Egypt, Tunisia & the situation in the Palestine...
i agree with Kester brewin that our 'emerging' theology needs to reach and transform our political thinking...
the situation particularly in the Palestine is one of injustice and discrimination (mainly) fueled by well-meaning theologically mis-informed christians who assume that the 'sun shines out of the arse' of Israel because they are God's chosen people. (put rather crudely) - and a poor eschatological understanding...
what about the palestinian christians (and muslims for that matter) who are being harassed, humiliated and de-franchised?
Think again...!
In the name of the God of love, peace and justice...
pray, act, speak out against these atrocities carried out by the Israeli government...
Let justice roll down like a river and righteousness like a mighty stream!
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