over the past few months, maybe years, my perception of God has been going through a series of changes.
I guess this is quite natural as God is Other and as He reveals Himself to us in different ways our understanding of Him alters...the spiritual journey is a constant movement . The very nature of a journey is one of discovery (if you keep you eyes open!) and traveling through a multitude of landscapes...
I've been realizing the 'bigness' of God. This may seem obvious to some but God is so much bigger than I ever thought.
'Dieu est grand' (God is 'big') is a phrase we often declare (at least in French churches) . I once thought of it almost exclusively in terms of 'strength' and 'power'. But now I see it as a description of the 'largeness' of God; a God who is not restricted to our western christian understanding of Him.
God's eternal invisible divine nature has been clearly revealed since the creation of the world. ( see Romans 1:20). That's to say before the Bible, before the Torah, before the calling of Israel, before the establishment of the church - God clearly revealed Himself...
God was (and is) making Himself known through the diverse cultures that we find in this world. Through art and nature I often see glimpses of the Creator...beckoning me to join Him in His redemption dance...united with the Son, blown by the breath of the Spirit, secure in the arms of the Father...
Now that's a 'large', 'wide' all embracing God!
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