vendredi 16 septembre 2011


Here's some more words of wisdom from Franciscan monk Richard Rohr:

Consciousness is the subtle and all-embracing mystery within and between Everything. It is like the air we breathe, take for granted, and do not appreciate. Consciousness is not the seeing but that which sees me seeing. You must step back from your compulsiveness, and your attachment to yourself, to be truly conscious. Consciousness cannot be “just me” because it can watch “me” from a distance...(not) self-absorbed and self-critical...but... just watch yourself objectively, calmly, and compassionately. You will be able to do this from your new viewing platform and perspective as a grounded child of God. From this most positive and dignified position you can let go of and even easily “admit your wrongs.” God forever sees and loves Christ in you; it is only we who doubt our divine identity as children of God.

Don’t judge, just look can be your motto—and now with the very eyes of God.

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