dimanche 11 septembre 2011

Sexuality and Spirituality

I receive daily meditations from Richard Rohr I've just saved them on my computer so that i can delete them from my gmail account.
Anyway came across this one:

Sin is to avoid this path of intimacy and communion by any guise whatsoever, even celibacy or abstinence. Evil is to deny anyone, including ourselves, the possibility of this path by making their or our sexuality inferior, in any sense enslaved or controlled, or mere entertainment. If humans cannot enjoy the delighting and delightful face of at least one other, how will they ever seek or surrender to the seductive and loving face of God? They will not even know how. Sexuality and spirituality really are two sides of the same coin: one is body and the other is Spirit.

Is sin to avoid the path of intimacy and communion? yes , it possibly is. Avoiding both communion and intimacy with the Other.
I love the idea of a loving God who wants to seduce us into intimacy with him...

A great book that explores sexuality and Spirituality is Sex God by Rob Bell.

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