really bad start to the day...
needed to get to church early as i was doing the songs...
also i'd planned a time of meditation with a musical background
(thanks to Molten Meditations without words - out on Proost)...
and yes the car had a puncture...
didn't have time to change the wheel - got the 'family' car out of the garage
and arrived slightly later to church...
this afternoon pruned our plum tree, or should i say 'hacked at it',
i think it looks better?! i've had it for 3 years and it's the first time it's been
pruned (i don't think that's good for the tree?)...
while pruning i thought of God and the image jesus gave of us being pruned
by God, so that we bear more fruit, i guess that means a more godly; better
human life (for me and those around me)...
i'm reassured that God 's a much more qualified pruner than me;
at least he knows what he's doing!
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